Hats off for the poet who’s a magician,

juggle words up in the wind and just listen

the sustain of a refrain is a double edged sword

a trump card up the sleeve to make sure we want more

It’s ‘rhymely’, we say where I’m from, for ‘reasonable’

for it makes the meme memorable and repeatable

It conveys that things have been thought thru

but also sometimes downloaded out of the blue

The impulse from above release a puls from below

the talk between heaven and earth is like a rainbow

They meet up in the heart, that is if we can start

without getting caught up in the judgmental part

We just can’t help putting words on our thoughts,

might call it a by-product but we know what it is worth!

So thank you for showing up and spreading the word,

for making us believe in a much better world.

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Thank you for this poem. I feel less alone in the world knowing someone else understands the “download”- this was originally 5,000 words or was it 5 pages? 5 something. Hahah. But this is the shortened version because attention is no longer sustainable in the mainstream market, and also, I want to respect time. You made me smile and happy weepy with those last lines. Thank you. I needed that. I love the rainbow connection- very true.

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I loved your poem - I shared it on the FCW Society FB page and shared your Substack link too! Your words really evoke a powerful message that I wanted to share. Thanks for being a FCW (F*cking Cool Woman!)

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Wow! From one FCW to another FCW, thank you! Big hugs- you made my day.

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Amen! Strong, 360 degree reasoning. Love how we think alike. It is all connected and it all begins and ends with us. This is what too many haven’t understood (yet🙏). But this is fundamental in understanding how to show up. Of course, even then it is difficult. But it is a start. So happy to reread this poem. I just read this chapter last night in your book. 🙏💕

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Oh Danni, bless your heart. Thank you for buying and reading my book, I hope you are getting your money’s worth. I hope to find a better publishing platform soon.

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I am really enjoying the book. Many ideas that I already hold for a long time. Familiar ideas expressed in new ways. And the feeling of being connected with you. I sometimes feel like I am in the middle bc I see so clearly how absolutely everything is connected. This world likes to separate things (and people) into neat categories, but everything affects everything else. This is still a radical view. It can come off as not taking a side. Maybe bc I do not choose sides or division. Even with my approach to health. Whole being. Not just body parts. Not just body without mind and emotion and all my dimensions. I could go on, but I won't. Anyways, I was so happy to give you the tiniest of support. I love your soul. And I know how difficult getting your book to people is. Are you publishing the other books too? If you have any ideas about platforms please share. I will be starting my next book soon. Love to you. Have a beautiful weekend xo

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Thank you for your poem and sharing mine. The last lines brought a sigh of happy tears.

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This is fantastic. Thank you for sharing 💖

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